Tuesday 24 November 2020

Sikh Artillery and Zamberuks back from the Basing Department

Back from the basing department this week we have the last of the Zambureks and the irregular heavy artillery.

First to share are the Zambureks, this gives me 6 which I will arrange in 3 batteries of 2 most likely. I have tried to ensure that a couple of them look more Sikh and other particularly Muslim so they can be used for other periods if needed.

I am pleased with how the saddle blankets have come out and the basing department has excelled herself I think with this lot.

This first one has an Iron swivel gun from Blood and Plunder, a Foundry Afghan and a Foundry village Elder from the Mutiny range. Many of these swivel guns were Iron and I think it looks well painted as such.
The second one also has two Foundry Afghans but the gun is a large Trent miniatures Jezail which fits really well I think. Probably my favourite saddle blanket of the lot this one.
You can see here how the Jezail fits really well in this shot, exactly as the Zambureks probably looked I think.
This picture gives you an idea of the crew figures, again love these miniatures despite how old the range is.
Along with  the Camel guns I also got these two ornate big guns, both crewed by irregulars.

Again the crews are all Foundry figures, mainly Afghans supplemented by a couple of Sikhs and a further Mutiny village elder.
The right hand gun is from Indus Miniatures whilst the left hand gun is a chinese weapon from Victorious miniatures.
Again a subdued colour palette with the armoured gun commander in brighter clothing.

Another really nice addition to the Sikh Wars collection which continues to steadily expand.

Thanks for reading, see you all soon.


  1. They all look super Roj. I especially like your take on the camel guns. And yes that’s a nice blanket lol

  2. Look forward to using them Roj!

    1. I know, collection taken a good stride forward so next game should be fun whenever that is.

  3. Looking good and splendid additions to the collection 👍

  4. Great brush work, awesome project! I’d love to join in one of your scenarios.

    1. When we are allowed to play agin lets see if we can organise that.

  5. Very nice indeed I have shared your post here https://wargames-directory.com/forums/topic/sikh-artillery-and-zamberuks/

    Feel free to join and share your work

    Take care


  6. All look stunning! Love the blankets too.

    1. Cheers Nartek, we all love a good blanket lol!

    2. Bartek, sorry, nothing worse then mis-spelling a name! Although I am sure everyone is used to my poor spelling by now.
