Monday 25 October 2021

40mm Napoleonic Progress

 I am having some fun with these guys, I put the French off, sometimes I have to pursaude myself to paint something knew, once I have a couple painted its easier to just crack on.

A couple more 60th Rifles take me yo 14, thats two 6 man skirmish groups and 2 leaders. Currently all the remaining Rifles are standing or kneeling firing, I dont really need any more in that pose but will probably paint them then decide which to keep and ebay the remainder. I am in the process of ordering some other poses to give me a third unit.

Here they are in the Autumn sun getting a coat of varnish.
Having them altogether like this gives me a little sense of achievement, decent progress with this project. Really need some French and Spanish though.
And here they are divided into two units with their commanders. 

I think this is likely to be my project of choice for a few weeks now.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Who makes this scale of figures, please?

    1. Most of the ones I have are from Perry Miniatures who have a decent range, Sash and Sabre have a broadly compatible range which is alo more extensive.

  2. Nice looking figures there, looking forward to seeing your French at some point.

    1. Cheers David, on with French now so will follow shortly.

  3. I’m always astounded by how quickly you move a project along. They look lovely Roj. Cheers, Chris :-)

    1. Fingers crossed a game by the summer of 22

  4. I see you're maintaining your usual high standard with these. Excellent.

    1. Thanks very much Paul, pickign a bunch more up at the weekend I hope.

  5. Looking great! I have never painted anything bigger than 28mm, apart from some tanks, but that is a different story. Looking at your work I need to try it by myself.

    1. Thanks Bartek, for the most art its a lot easier, using a larger size brush and takign about the same ammount of time as 28mm, that said you cant ignore thos elittle bits of piping on figures that might be excused on asmaller figures.

    2. I look forward to seeing some Bartek
