Monday, 13 February 2017

GNW Swedish Upplands Tremanning Regiment

I dropped the basing department back off at University this morning in not so sunny York and picked up the latest units finished. For the first time I had nothing completed myself to leave her with due to my lack of painting over the last couple of weeks.

We will come back to the Cossacks but for now I have my latest unit of Swedes to share.

Below is the Upplands Tremanning Regiment. Most Swedish regiments were raised on a regional basis with each large farm or small village being expected to provide two men to their local regiment. These men would spend a good part of the year still working the land but enough time each year training that the country could raise a well trained army quickly without any huge economic impact (at least in the short term). This typically provided two battalions per region.

A Tremanning regiment was a "third man" regiment raised by calling up more men from each farm and village, later int he war the Swedes resorted to Femanning Regiments, using up the fourth man on any farm or village.

In the early part of the war many of these had grey coats rather than blue and I have chosen to represent the Upplands troops in this earlier war uniform.

I do like the grey uniforms and the difference this makes to the blue from the rest of the army. The yellow and blue also adds a splash of colour. The Tremanning units saw a lot of action, there were Tremanning units at all the major actions, during the invasions of Scania by the Danes the army was almost exclusively Tremanning and Femanning regiments.

I will be posting my fourth Cossack regiment later in the week with a couple of shots of the whole brigade.

Until then thanks for reading as always.


  1. I need a tremenning battalion too, But I'm unsure if it will be with the first Basic army or if it will be part of my expanded army.

    1. Depends if you want to add a bit of different colour Truls. I had always planned a couple of grey unirs when I started.

  2. Beautiful flags floating above a magnificent unit ...Excellent!

    1. Much appreciated Phil. Warfare flags ebor figures mainly.

  3. Roger,

    another great unit, love the Grey coats, I am afraid I may have to copy your idea when I get around to painting a Tremanning unit for my own collection.


    1. Feel free Mark, I got the uniform the web site I do like it.

  4. As I told you, you are forcing me to consider a couple of Tremanning or Femanning units in my Swedish army... it's not fair....I was happy with my program and now I must change.
    Previously you did the same to me with you Guard unit! Now I have ordered the figures to Warfare miniatures..... and you know? I'm starting to consider Cossacks. I told you is not fair......

    1. Oops sorry Dino, should I not do my post later this week with the full Cossack Brigade?

  5. I can't wait to just post it as soon as possible!

  6. Excellent work. I do like the Swedes in grey coats to add a little variety to the army

    1. Cheers Neil, just about done the first for the next Tremanning unit so will share the plan for these soon.

  7. Variety in the Swedes is no bad thing. excellent work Roger.

    1. Cheers Paul, I agree that variety is a good thing for these guys.
