Tuesday, 7 February 2017

GNW Guns and Generals

So second of the posts from my recent delivery of figures by the basing department and we have some smaller projects to share.

The first of these is my third Saxon Gun and Crew, this time a field piece. I do like the black painted guns with yellow metal work. This gives me a Positional Gun, a light gun and a field gun. Probably plenty for the two Brigades I plan, but dont hold me to that! Figures and gun by Ebor Miniatures.

 We then have another Swedish General, this is the third of the Ebor Swedish Generals and probably my favourite.

 Lastly a Saxon General, this is one of the old foundry range but is still a realty nice figure. I think the horse has aged particularly well.

Next I have a regiment of mounted Cossacks, probably drop a post on these at the weekend.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Really a nice add to your beautifully growing collection. Great!

  2. Great work Roger. Must admit I also like the colours of the Saxon artillery

    1. Cheers Neil, I think the contrast works really well.

  3. Superb, this artillery is awesome!

  4. That Foundry general probably commands more nationalities then any other. I have two - one Danish & one French. Very nice work overall but then what else would I expect from you.

  5. Man that gun looks good! Really nailed that worn effect, and great shading and highlighting on it!

    1. Cheers Truls, agree the Wasp effect works well.
