Thursday, 2 February 2017

Bronze Age SAGA test game

We tested our game tonight and all went well. I wont do a full write up but suffice to say the forces of the Tuatha De Denann were doing really well under queen Scota and then suddenly they were not and the Fir Bolg had won.

So as an apetiser for the full game on Sunday her are some snaps.

 My force preparing to leap into action.
 The sanctuary in the wood.
 The temple grounds.

 All the spare figures sweep into the village looking for something to eat and drink.
 Lugh of the long arm accepts the challenge of the Fir Bolg champion.
Meanwhile the priest sacrifices a sword to the earth goddess. 
 Lugh shows off his newly acquired enemy head.
 Fir Bolg advance
 My saving throws were pretty good early on.
 And my archers decimated the Fir Bolg Elite Hearthguard
 Eventually the Hearthguard were destroyed but not before reducing my hearth guard to just 1 rider.
 Guards outside the temple
 Lugh of the long arm throws 4 saves against the mob of javelin armed levy.

 The last of my warriors charge the Javelin men
 That didn't go too well
 The archers flee the field, in reality they had already been destroyed.

 Chariots and horse storm into the village, not part of the game but it looked nice.

More after Sunday's game.


  1. Interesting game. Тhank you that have shared 8)

    1. Cheers, main thing was to get the look right and I THINK WE WERE SOEMTHING LIKE.

  2. Replies
    1. It was, had to remind me how to play it so Sunday should be better.

  3. Very attractive game with some excellent figures. Good luck for the big day.

  4. Look forward to seeing it in action on Sunday.

  5. Wonderful figures and terrain, I love this village and this sanctuary!

  6. Very nice! Did you make up some battleboards for the two sides, or did you use some existing ones?

    1. We made them up, used the blank ones on the web page some of them were from other factions from later like Scots and Irish, others were completely off the cuff. Added in things for champions and chariots etc.

    2. Sounds good, thanks - I really need to get more SAGA games going - such an elegant game!

  7. That is an excellent set up- shame I'll miss it at Vapnartak. Have you any plans to take it to any other shows?



    1. Hi Pete, not at this stage, we tend to do a "big" game with a wider group at the Leeds and Newark shows. It is a possibility for the Leeds Recon show at the end of the year. Might consider one of the other Northern shows though, shame not to do it again.

    2. ThanksRoger- hopefully I'll be able to see it sometime later on then. Should be at the two Leeds shows and possiblr Hammerhead too.


