Thursday, 2 February 2017

GNW Swedish Life Guard, 2nd Battalion

The second unit from the basing department this time is my second battalion of Swedish Life Guard Til Flot.

The intention is to have a Brigade of 3 battalions with a further battalion of the combined grenadier companies, the Guard was the only unit to do this.

The Swedish Guard was a proper fighting formation with a genuine elite status and always at the front of Charles's attacks. They have the archetypical uniform of blue faced yellow and officers are wearing the standard Carolean dark blue faced mid blue.

The miniatures are mainly from the excellent Ebor range sculpted by Paul Hicks, with a couple of the Foundry range mixed in

 The single open hand for the flags mean that its difficult to get them to stuck, they came back from the basing department having been knocked off and may not cope well with the rigours of wargamers fat fingers. I tried using a decent superglues tp tack them on then painting over with Areldite, lets see if that helps.
 I do like how dynamic these figures are and in particular the officer casualty. No doubt some wit will point to him being a member of the Swedish head slapping brigade.
 The musketeer bases do have a couple of foundry figures mixed, they mix surprisingly well.

So that's it for now, I don't know if I will get a chance to post more before the show at York on Sunday. So next will either be more Cossacks, pictures of the Bronze Age playtest tonight at the East Leeds club, or pictures form the actual game on Sunday. I will leave you guessing.

Thanks for reading. See you soon.


  1. 3 life guard battalions, you won't need anymore sweeds then!

    Where did you get the flowers for the bases, I do have some flowers, but they aren't as nice as yours!

    1. Hi Truls, 4 my friend including the Grenadiers, think there were 4 at Poltava. I have loads of different flowers, picked up from ebay, the ones from Warpainter and Tajima tend to be the best ones, try some of them.

  2. Fabulous as always, splendid job, painting and basing!

    1. Thank you Phil. Just two more to do including the grenadiers. Grenadiers are actually not far off complete.

  3. Lovely work as always.

    I think the only way to deal with flag poles that won't behave! is to lengthen them, so that they can be glued to the ground, so that a glued contact is made at two points.

    1. Its a fair point, I usually try to get contact with at least two and sometimes three points. These just don't lend themselves to that approach, hey ho.
