Thursday 13 April 2023

40mm French Skirmishers & Livestock Completed

The latest unit to be completed for the 40mm Project is a third unit of Voltiguers.

Unlike my other units I havent painted all of these myself (The Horror!). Not something I normally do, in fact I cant remember the last time I bought a painted figure I didnt completely re-paint, but these were a good deal and a good fit.

You might be able to tell that these two were not done by me.  I was offered them at a great price and thought I can always use them as base painted, I have changed relatively little on them to be honest, they look just fine.
The next two are all mine and I am liking the pale buff trousers on the running figure.
Lastly one each painted by me and bought painted, the left figure not one of mine but fits in well. The right hand figure firing I have quite a few of so experimenting with the next one doing arm swaps, see how I get on.

We also have a bunch of livestock now which will make for interesting objectives in games. Firstly a few goats.
Probably the best of the Irregular miniatures livestock after the pack pony, the range is more toy soldiers so not a criticism, I like these and the different colours make it less obvious there is just one model.
The cattle are more of a mix, this huge bull is a 3d printed beast from scale3d on ebay. I also got sheep but they didnt quite fit at 1/48 but I think these are perfect. Currently talking about re-doing the sheep but bigger. The French officer is there for size comparison only.
The cattle are a mix, the two either side are scale3d printed also whilst the ones in the middle are Irregular metals. Not quite as nice but mix in ok. I have gone with the colour scheme of Asturian cattle, which I like.
Lastly a pair of Oxen from irregular to pull one of the carts I am working on. These are ok although they could have done with some greenstuff repair before painting I feel. Workmanlike rather than lovely they will fill a gap for me.

Hopefully see this lot on table soon.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Fine looking beast! Nice French to both yours and the bought paint jobs worthy of joining your collection. Cheers, Chris

  2. Figures all look great and no shame in buying a few painted figures, the cattle are particularly nicely done 👍

  3. They are all excellent Roger and I really like the cattle at the end - look forward to seeing these additions in a game soon-ish!

  4. All the new stuff looks amazing!

  5. Fine new additions to your collection Roger…
    All the best. Aly
