Friday, 1 May 2020

Great Northern War Polish Dragoons

For a while I have wanted to finish off my Polish forces with a unit of Dragoons, they never seem to have infantry mentioned in any of the battle reports but Dragoons seemed to have played a significant part in many battles.

Now nobody does Poles for this period, or the early period either, for the rest of the Cavalry using earlier figures seems perfectly fine but the Dragoons dont fit into this category well as they were much more westernised in dress although still distinctly Polish.
We have some images of Polish Dragoons dressed very much in the western style but typically with a fur hat. Several of these images show grey faced red uniforms which was a popular scheme right across Europe. So thats what I decided to go for.
I have used Ebor Russian Dragoons which coem with seperate heads and added heads from Kings Mountain French and Indian Wars range, I have also added the Dragoon command pack from Warfare Minaitures and the figures do all seem to fit quite well. I quite like the officers in the western floppy hats.
I purposely have the horses on a seperate base, this means I can leave it behind to designate where the horses are if we want to re-mount. It also helps remind me that as we have one third horse holders then the firing for this unit will be 2 rather than 3 dice in Black Powder.
I have purposely tried to make this whole unit look like three seperate Vignettes that can then be joined together. I like the look I have achieved, it wont be everyones taste but it works for me.
The mounted version of this unit is still to come with the first couple of figures complete. I am tempted to use Ebor Russian Dragoons or WSS Dragoons and again swap the heads with Kings Mountain over the mountain men. I am also going to use this same approach for the earlier Polish Dragoons for my Deluge project but with Dragoons from earlier ranges, Thirsty Years War or ECW.

These will be the last of the GNW units for a while, Hope you like them.


  1. Great cobbling together mate. They look super. Were they allowed to grow beards? Cheers, Chris

    1. Most I think would have a moustache but a number of te images i HAVE SEEN SHOW BEARDS SO THAT WORKS FOR ME.

  2. Those look wonderful Roger, love the basing.

  3. Fabulous kit bashing and I love the vignette style bases. Grand stuff. 👍🏻

  4. Awesome, I do like the 'seperate Vignettes principle', very effective!

    1. Thanks Phil, may try this for the earlier Polish Dragoons when I get around to them.

  5. Really like your ability to mix and match. They look great.

    1. Thanks Paul, a principle I am going to tr to use through ther Deluge project.

  6. Incredible blog! Beautiful work also.
    However, your blog was hijacked and posted on The Miniatures Page
    Many other bloggers and TMP members have been requesting that Tango01 credit the name of the blog at the very least as a courtesy. These requests have been ignored by both Tango01 and the owner of TMP.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, having said that I dont mind too much as he is leaving a link to the blog and it directs people to come nad have a look. I would of course prefer a credit but I am not particularly upset. Completely respect however that others might be.
