Monday, 29 July 2024

Reviewing the Great Northern War armies Part 1 the Allies

 We havent played with the Great Northern War for some time and recently Dave sold many of his Russian collection to chum Chris. Chris had lots of questions around what I had so it prompted me to get them out and I though why not take some photos at the same time!

First to review are the Allies, Poland/Saxony and Russia.

My plan was to be able to game the earlier period of the war in the Baltic and Poland, the main antagonist being Saxony supported by some poor Russian troops and sometimes by the Polish forces.

A period where the Swedes barely lost a fight so you need to be careful that things are still playable.

The Saxons. These are the troops that are simplest for me to expand at some point, I have lost of generic Warfare figures perfect for Saxons 

Two light/Medium guns and a couple of generals to start with. Ebor miniatures with an Ebor and a Dixon gun and one Foundry commander in the background.

Two units (Double squadrons) of Beusts horse, the Saxon horse typically had the currais and used pistols for preference.

Saxon dragoons, these are the regiment mounted.....
And their dismounted version, again these are Ebor and really very nice.
An Eor large/Medium gun and crew, like the colour schemes especially the black and yellow gun.
Four more Commanders, two Ebor and two Warfare.
The Saxon guard two battalions a mix of Warlord plastics set off with Metal command from Foundry and Ebor. Flags are Warfare.
The Polish Guard, as above mainly Warlord plastics.

Two battalions of regiment Pistorius, slightly more metals in these again though Warlord plastic alongside Foundry and Ebor command figures and Warfare flags.

Lastly the first battalion of Kurprinz, lots of spare figures to finish this unit off. These are all Warfare except a couple of Foundry drummers and standard bearer.
And the same unit with Jacobite flags and pike for Ireland and the Boyne campaign. I have quite a few Warfare figures where I can potentially do both Saxon and Jacobites with a command base swap/
And all together again, nice wee force but a few more to complete.
The Russians were always designed as a small supporting force. The Saxons didnt rate them and neither did the Swedes, the Saxons even made them turn their coats inside out to try disguise them as Saxons, it didnt work.

Cavalry first two regiments of horse, Ingermanlandski dragoons and horse grenadiers. The Russians didnt have true horse. These are all by Ebor.
I will have two battalions of foot eventually, for now just one finished, Siburski. Figures again Ebor.
The main force for Russia is Cossacks, in this case 4 battalions of foot Cossacks, later in the war these can be used alongside the Swedes. Bit of a mix these, Foundry, The Assault Group Old Glory mainly.
And four units of mounted Cossacks, a mix like the foot of Foundry and The Assault Group.
Nice little irregular force when all together.
Not to forget the leader Taras Bubas and the medium gun. TAG and Foundry.

Last are the Poles and definately my favourites. These troops retain much of the Renaissance feel with lots of armour mixed in.

First unit are the Valachs. Light cavalry who fought for the Swedes I have chosen to make them pretty uniform although we have no evidence either way for uniforms. Warlord and Foundry for the most part.

The rest of the light cavalry, these are a mix with plenty of The Assault group complimented by Redoubt and Foundry figures.
The Pancerni are my favourite, 5 units which is probably about right for a mix, maybe another couple of units would be ideal, they were typically 2 thirds of a force at this time. With their chainmail, bows and shield they look like something from the early medieval period. Redoubt feature strongly here, very nice figures, supported by The Assault group and a few Foundry figures.
I like these a lot so heres a few close ups.

Poles would not be complete without Winged Hussars, two units here, they were dying out by this time, the right are Warlord and the left Redoubt.

I have started dragoons but only completed the dismounted unit, the nearest the Polish army will come to any infantry, these are Warfare miniatures
Lastly the Polish Hetmen to lead our force forward. Old Glory, The Assault Group and Foundry.
And here they are together, not particularly useful, but proper lovely.

Swedes to follow when I get chance, thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love these, especially the Saxons

  2. Superb collection Roger, absolutely top notch.

  3. Wow that is a fantastic collection Roger...those Warlord plastics are a bit generic but very useful...I used them in my partial Russian collection, as well as about 50% of my WSS ! Yours have turned out very nicely indeed.

    1. cheers the plastics are ok if fleshed out with metal command, although any new units likely to be metal with floppy hats so as to beuseful in Ireland too.

  4. Oh wow, what a fantastic collection of beautiful figures!

  5. Magnificent!! And very inspiring. Fantastic collection and as a fellow GNW fanatic, your parade is a great pleasure to look at..several times!

    1. Much appreciated John, will get around to the Swedes at some point.

  6. Ab-so-flippin’-lutely beautiful. Stand up and take a bow Sir 👏👏👏👏

  7. Lovely painting and basing. Excellent work.

  8. A fine parade Roger…
    Lots of splendid looking units…
    Looking forward to seeing the Swedes…

    All the best. Aly

  9. Certainly! "A very impressive collection."

  10. Lovely elements of your collection and after all the prime motivation for this blog is GNW. I had liked the cut of Dave’s Russian army and as I’ve started collecting an Ottoman army it felt like providence when Dave said he was selling his army. Cheers, Chris

    1. And its got my enthusiasm piqued again so definately a good thing.

  11. Beautiful figures and a truly inspiring collection, I love the way you have based them all, what size bases have you used?
