Wednesday 5 June 2024

First 1920 Polish infantry Finished & Based

 So the Poles are taking shape now and with Steve Shann supporting the basing I have got some good progress on this project now.

First completed unit is a battalion of Legionnaires in the Austrian style uniform.

I particularly like how these have come out, a mix of Woodbine and Studio Siberia.
The two manufacturers mix reasonably well but not too concerned.
The odd bandaged head adds some character.
I also have my first gun and crew, Woodbine Turks with Studio Siberia heads painted in the 1919 Gre Green uniform with a German 75mm gun.
The Adrian Helmet is a Woodbine head.
The second battallion are part of "Hellers Blue Army" 
Poles in French Horizon blue, either issued in France or in Siberia before embarkation for France.
Slightly more eclectic mix these are Woodbine with a bunch of Brigade games French. The odd Studio Siberia head adds some Polish visually.
Also a couple of Crusader French on the command base here. Very different styles and sizes but just about get away with it I think.

On with the next ones now, thanks for stopping by.


  1. These look fantastic Roger.

    1. Much appreciated thanks, I am pretty happy with them.

  2. Stunning job! I love them a lot!

  3. They look great Roj. And Steve’s base work is really nice. Cheers, Chris

  4. As always your paint jobs are amazing. It's a fascinating war you are working on too. Can't wait to see them in a game.

  5. Cheers Joseph, third battalion nearly done, that will put me at the point of being able to put a small game on so watch this space.
