I arrived in plenty of time excited to crack on with the game, which I have thoroughly enjoyed so far. Greta figures, rules, scenario and company best re-introduction to wargaming you cold get after months off.
Initial thoughts being to finish off the armoured car and then start pushing over the river. Ken was a little isolated at the other ford with his Carlists, so hoping to pin the defenders of the next village, clear the woods opposite then spread out to link up with the Carlists. Any plan is better than none I guess.
First move my Cavalry come out first and I decide to close assault the armoured car before the propaganda team can rally it. I roll some pretty poor dice though and I am pushed back whilst the armoured car is recovered and moves to the opposite bank of the river.
Undettered I push my tankettes forward and open up on the armoured car and it finally succumbs to overhwelming fire power. This is good news, however it is now blocking the ford! Ken fires on the Republican T26's with his own T26 with limited success.I then get movement for my Morrocans and bite the bullet pushing them across the ford. Lets hope they get over before they are caught midstream in the open. No sooner have I said this than Robs Republican Card is drawn and the Regulares start to take casualties mid stream.
With a whole bunch of figures gathered at the ford its not the ideal point for Lonnie to roll a 10 for Republican aircraft! As usual the bombs thankfully miss but the Morrocans take a bit of a beating from the aircraft machine guns.
Next move the Legion charge forward but are unable to get into the cover of the woods, fortunately they take minimal casualties from Robs republicans. Its the HQ companies doing all the damage bizarely.
Ken is focusing all our artillery and mortar fire on the International Brigade troops which are now starting to arrive at the front line.
Republican infantry have crept forward to occupy the Cemetry in front of Kens Carlists, some accurate fire sees 2 casualties and a pin marker on the Carlists troops.
Meanwhile the Regulares have crossed the river but after being hit several more times are down to just 3 men.
The FT17 is slowly clanking forward and we use it as a point of reference for the artillery and quickly get some casualties on Robs troops occupying the first building in the village.
The Legion now charge the Republicans in the wood and push the first unit out with heavy casualties, they are also able to capture a good supply of ammo, heavy fire from the remaining Legion and Regulares puts 3 pin makers on the remaining company.
The Tankettes are able to line up behind the cover of the woods and start to pour some fire into the cemetry and Lonnies Republicans are quickly starting to take casualties.
At this point Lonnie roles for another aircraft which again attacks the Carlists giving them further headaches.
Republican armour and the T26's fire twice each and knock out Kens T26, things look pretty grim as we have nothing to counter the Republican armour now except two dynamentero's still on the wrong side of the river.
My Morrocan Regulares push forward towards the village hoping to make inroads whilst the Republican armour is still occupied but well aimed fire from the village supported by a HMG decimates and pins the lead unit.
Rob's son Will is throwing some good dice for the Republicans, the famous bull which should be causing havoc however is wondering around the edge of the table bothering nobody.