Saturday 7 April 2018

1812 Retreat Project Update

So with the last few bits of terrain arriving I decided on a quick photo shoot to share what it it looking like.

The hedges were a buy from ebay and really good value, they took a while as they are made to order I think, I will be adding some touches to them myself but not much. The mat looks crowded but dont forget we have two mats so probably wont be filling it this much in future.

The basing on some of the buildings is meant for summer so I will need to decide what I do about that, ideally I want to use them for both winter and summer so perhaps taking it back to plain dirt and dropping some white flock on for games might be best.
The buildings are a mix of manufacturers. Two hovels in grey, the church window frames look a bit odd in white so I might repaint them. The other two on the below are more European medieval but dont look to bad.

The two sled guns donated by Chris are already based, as I want flock on mine these will in effect become test figures and the basing department and I will have a look at these today.
The pack of cheap trees will need basing and a bit of paint on the plastic tree trunks but I think these will actually look really good. The deciduous trees below are a dilemma. They do look really nice but are exceptionally delicate, every time I use them bits fall off as you can see in the picture. I am tempted not to waste effort on basing something that will disintigrate which is a shame, they are nice.

In terms of the basing I have decided that horse will be on 50mm front by 80mm deep so I can make them look a bit more irregular if I want. Foot will be 50mm front and 60mm deep which just covers the bayonets and leaves some room for playing with the basing. I will probably do some skirmish bases and have 2 figures on a 50mm by either 25mm or 30mm depth.
Taken as a whole heres what it looks like.
So as I am back from a short break in Barcelona and the basing department is home for a day we have decided to spend an hour or two experimenting with basing. I know its an exciting life we lead!

Hope to have the results of this to you in the next few days.

I was also pointed int he direction of the following blog by a member on the TMP this is an unofficial campaign guide and army lists for Sharp Practice and the Retreat from Moscow. See what you think. I have downloaded them and when I get chance will have a good look through and share my thoughts.

Hope you found this interesting, look forward to seeing you all again soon.


  1. Atmospheric and wonderful pictures Roger, I enjoyed!

    1. Thanks very much Phil, lot of work still to do.

  2. Suitably bleak looking...

    It does seem odd to say lovely looking terrain...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Ha, yes bleak is the look I am going for Aly, first basing just about done, on its way next

  3. Table looks pretty cold to me. Very atmospheric.
