Monday 7 October 2024

More Cossacks and Poles painted

With the game at Partizan a couple of months away I am trying to get some figures finished, albeit that we have yet to make a final decision on the game, whether its 1920 Poland or 1920 Mongolia.

These guys are Kuban Cossack Plastoon infantry, all from the lovely Empress range, just a few Studio Siberia figures to paint and add to these to give me 2 companies.

I have purposely given them different coloured shirts and Cherkeska coats as they provided their own. Lovely figures these and quick and easy to paint.
Ive had this Studio Siberia White officer for a while and thought I would get him done ahead of any game as he will be very useful. Again quick and easy with his greatcoat hiding the detail of the uniform.
I have also been pushing on with my Poles, in this case the Kingdom of Poland army, troops in Imperial German army gear and Polish grey green jackets. These are old out of production Renegade figures.
I would have prefered less German helmets and more Polish caps like the one in the middle but the figures dont particularly lend themselves to head swaps and the helmets do look quite nice.
The figures all have Polish red and white collar tabs with odd figures having red piping and/or Polish arm bands. All stuff they wore and adds a splash of colour.
These then give me 4 companies, so having added them to bases here's the regiment with commander, less their MG.
A couple of Great War command figures finish these off such as the command base here at the front.
I will do a second battalion which will be almost all Great War figures as thats what I have.
I have also decided that both my Reds and Whites need more Machine Guns, so here's the first this is from the Empress range and a little different with it set up on a stand rather still on its wheels. 
Keeping the figures mainly generic in Khaki caps and uniforms which is in keeping with most White forces.
A few more Poles, these are old Battle Honours figures I had painted a while ago but had dodgy heads made by clipping ACW Puffball hats square, these are much more in keeping.
The Great War MG puts the finishing touches to my first Polish battalion in Gemran uniforms.
The gun leader will probably be used seperately as a spotter.

Also for my Whites a Cossack Tchanka, this is a 3d printed model very kindly donated by Chris Charlton, thank you.
I wanted this specifically as a Kuban Cossack Tchanka to make a rounded force with my cavalry and Plastoon infantry. Horses are almost complete.
Lastly another squadron of Kuban Cvalry, again these are Empress.
One pack of troopers, again a mix of Gymnasterka and Cherlkeska colours.
One command pack with a Kubanski Cossacks flag from flags for the lads.
These are again Empress, a little smaller than Copplestone, particularly the horses but lovely non the less and hardly noticible as they will all be in a  separate unit.

So good progress for both these potential games, I am leaning towards Mongolia just so I dont have as much to prepare but lets see.

Thanks for stopping by.