Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Elizabethan Ireland Phase One Completed

 So a few late nights and a bit too many hours painting and the the last of the figures for the Elizabethan Game are completed.

Its likely I will return to the project for Scots and Spanish forces but for now thats the Irish and English done and ready for the game. 

Two Commanders are the first figures left is the Flags of War Border Heidman on a  Perry Horse with right the Hoka Hey  General.
This is the third unit of Billmen, the bills are all Wargames Foundry open handed pike  with two D'Arlo command figures at the rear and a Redoubt flag.
The only unit of longbows, mainly D'Arlo with a TAG leader back left and a Foundry swashbuckler in the middle. The left hand archers face could perhaps use a tidy up.
The only unit of English Sword and Bucklers,  there are 3 Reboubt figures, one Hoka Hey and 2 Foundry with a redoubt flag on this one. The border horse are pictured in woodcuts from the time with St George Cross;s on their bucklers so it felt right to add one in here.
One of two extra Border horse companies, the horses are all from the lovely Flags of War Range as is the flag and the left hand riders, the standard bearer is a Redoubt figure who fits in quite well.
Three extra units of Demi-Lancers, the big advantage of the English if the Irish were ever foolish enough to let them get near. The left two figures are Redoubt, the pennant is from Flags of War and the right hand figure is from Timeline/Hoka Hey, the left horses are plastic Perry and the right one is Redoubt. I know hard to keep track.
Another Border horse company, two Flags of War riders with a Redoubt horse and rider in the middle. The chainmail shirt is not as outdated as it might seem as light horse were issues these for service in Ireland.
Three more Redoubt Demilancers on Perry plastic horses with a Flags of War banner which I really like. I have added some Warlord plastic horse holsters to some of these too.
A last unit of Demi Lancers, two Timeline/Hoka Hey lancers on Perry Plastic Wars of the Roses horses with a Redoubt Trumpeter on Redoubt horse,  Again the banner is Flags of War with a nice Tudor rose.
Lastly the Spanish Rodelero's, this is the only unit of Spanish and represents the small numbers of Spanish sent to support he Irish on different occasions, front left to right Redoubt, Foundry, Hoka Hey and rear Hoka Hey and then 2 Redoubt figures, the flag is from Ebay I dont know the manufacturer.  I chose a generic Catholic Flag rather than Spanish cross as I wanted to be able use as any supporting Papal units such as the Italians landed at Smerwick.

So for now thats the Elizabethan project wrapped up, one to return to no doubt in future but nice to see some closure on this.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I think a round of applause is called for… 👏👏 They look absolutely marvellous and I bet they’re fun to command on the tabletop. Alternatively, maybe that should be “a challenge” rather than fun. 😉
    The English seem to have so many advantages but clearly the Irish must play to their strengths (example #1 - avoid pitched battle in open ground). Ambushes and hit-and-run tactics are more appropriate, and making use of “bad” terrain. Soooo many battles seem to have been fought at fords or passes.

    1. The Irish were Canny enough to use the terrain to their advantage and the English rarely had opportunity to use their advantages, when they did it was bad news for the Irish. Cheers Geoff nice feeling to get this something like complete.

  2. They look great Roger and not a "huge" collection either - a very manageable size indeed! A very clever mix of different brands - I have TAG, Hoka Hey and D'Arlo in my Border Revers collection too! Always tempted to add more, even though the original intention was to do one (or maybe two) of the Hoka Hay "families" each, for small skirmish level games - and I now have two or three A4 box files of figures!

    1. Just how I started, I added some Garrison troops and then thought "Who can they all fight"

  3. Beautiful work, I do like how you've got a wide and varied mix of figures.

    1. Cheers Ray, I think it adds to the irregular look particularly for the Irish.

  4. Great stuff Roj. It’s a fab collection. And really good fun to game with. Cheers, Chris

  5. This is an impressive collection of miniatures!
