Wednesday 21 June 2023

More painted for Elizabethan Ireland

This project is the flavour of the moment and hoping for another game soon. Colours on the photos a bit washed out sorry. 

The little farm is from Hudson and Allen and I think fits really well.

First we have the English.

This Demi-lancer is from Hoka Hey but is riding a plastic Perry horse, good fit I think. This gives me 7 so two companies of 3 and a leader. I am tempted to get another 3 from Casting Room miniatures.
These musketeers carry the heavy English muskets with rests that had a longer range than the lighter weapons the Irish and some other units used. The rules dont differentiate but I may consider adding to the range for these weapons as they had a marked advantage over the Calivers of the Irish. I am also tempted to add ammo rules for Shotte. The Irish would often skirmish with the English until they ran out of powder and then attack the vulnerable pike formations in their flanks.
Talking of calivers heres two more for the English. The ten gallon hat isnt out of place, this is the original wild west.
Lastly a fourth Billman, more of these to come, ideally 2 units of 8 or so, possibly 3.
The Irish are deliberately a real mix of manufacturers. 3 from 3 in this shot.
This first one is a Gripping Beast Pict, the targe is Irish and the double handed axe fits him in to theatre.
This Kern with leggings and long tunic is from Antideluvian miniatures, one of the Islemen figures and a perfect fit for Ireland.
This last one is a plastic Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irishman with additional Morion Helmet again to place him in theatre. All three have brighter saffron tunics which look better than I thought they might. They will be mixed in with existing Kern who have more subdued colours so there will be some contrast.

These will be on table very soon indeed so keep an eye out.


  1. Nice work Roger...this is a very cool period. I am looking forward to seeing how your collection develops. Are you aware of the Comisado blog - its a lot of this kind of stuff too - well worth a visit!

  2. Well done mate. Keep that production line rolling :-) cheers Chris

    1. Doing my best Chris, side tracked by basing just now.

    2. I’m looking forward to seeing the results :-)

    3. May be a little while, lots to remove and start again with.

  3. Lovely characterful figures 👍

  4. Very nice project and one that inspires me to do something similar.
    Where did you get the Foundry musket/caliver chaps from? I have looked at Foundry's Seadogs and Swashbucklers range and cannot see a pack with those particular figures. There are some similar poses but not those exactly. I wonder if some are discontinued...
    Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Hi Dirk, I think some of these are discontinued unfortunately as the new packs dont have all of the old figures. Perhaps drop Foundry an email, there are some useful figures in the Casting Room figures range too.

    2. Thanks Roger, I'll see if Foundry reply as I've written to them before without an answer. A great shame if they're not all available. Appreciate your reply and also your rather excellent blog! Cheers!

    3. Thank you very much, best of luck.

  5. The figures and terrain look excellent!
