Tuesday 6 June 2023

Elizabethan Irish Workbench

With the partial success of our Elizabethan Ireland game using Irregular Wars I have felt compelled to paint more for this project.

There a few bits left in the painting pile and an order just arrived from Antideluvian Miniatures, more Irish and English planned for Partizan including the fabulous Flags of  War Irish pack.

For now I am finishing off what I have. Here's the haul so far.

Currently I have only pike and shotte for the foot so I am adding two companies of billmen, here's the first 3, the rest I will need to order from Foundry for Partizan collection. Lovely figures. These are the only 3 bills I have so will need more of them too.
Last of the pike, this gives me three companies which I think will be enough for my needs.
For the Irish we firstly  3 more Gallowglass. The outer two figures were gifted me by friend Chris Charlton, two of the same figure from Steve Barber but with different weapons and heads. The standard bearer is Gripping Beast and the eagle eyed amongst you will notice the flag is upside down, a shame as its stuck firmly on and a nice colourful flag.
The flag is removed and replaced and O'Neil becomes O'More. Never mind a really nice colourful flag either way. I will have to see if I can find a use for the battered remnants of the O'Neil flag, perhaps a casualty base or similar.
Before posting this I managed to finish off a few more.

This arquebusier is a bit blurred but you can just make out the steel skull poking out under his bonnet which is a nice touch.

The gun is not what came with the crew but I prefer it as a nice light gun, possibly a drake.
I wonder if it will do more harm than good slowing any column of marching English down as they negotiate their way through the forests, hills and bogs.
Lastly a few more Irish, two more Bonnaught, in orange this time to add a different colour to the mix with a Gallowglass in very old helmet  beside them. 

A few more to do, and more ordered for Partizan collection, so watch this space.


  1. Good to see the collection grow and the lead pile shrink!

    1. Cheers Duke, Collection Growing, lead pile er......... work in progress?

  2. As wonderful as your figures are, I am quite enamoured with your village lol.

    1. Codsticker I d love the Hudson and Allen buildings, I have a few for this period which should nicely adorn a bigger game.

  3. Great painting matey. Nice that the Irregular Wars game has inspired you so much. Cheers, Chris

  4. Lovely set of figures, where did you get the Irish flags from?

    1. They are an ebay purchase, as are the English Tudor ones https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264268064666?hash=item3d879aa79a:g:JDYAAOxyRNJSkdI5&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4JfmIMtiAenXQRFA0tbtMScOoHJ6yE1qO94ll4iCT1a8g13%2BSVI9El5hVaG2cUMqm6oPTvdZtmGGPNmUOmFvTliXFmS7SyCIBk8RDMYml%2FTTe0%2FyGKPvzpF4KaHv3lIjjXGJf%2FNfEa95pL422ym4I%2F5vNSmsHWoPUqUE%2FTbQ1mxIFzgGu59CN23iU0WlOrwDV7BdiYwRpBd0pqguR7QZA57fEF%2BG1zh7edJ7gHMfDahQuRZqDSWgLO9t5fziQbiQs9Zoug5bo6r%2BdtFPu71Sc6sQW40YHyF%2FwHWIDdq71yrs%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4bb5veUYg

    2. sorry thats a miassive link, just try ebay under wargames and role playing and type in Tudor.

  5. Thanks Rodger, I ll have a look, good to hear you tracked down The Twilight Lords, an excellent, lively account of the period. Must crack on with my own Irish and Tudors. Keep up the good work

    1. Its a great read thanks, more figures and game report from last night to follow in due course.

  6. These are great. The mid to late 16th Century is one of my favourite periods. You can have a core of troops that will do very well for a lot of European conflicts and then just add in standards and characters to personalise a force.

    1. Indeed, I am wondering how much of my English force might be usable as Spanish.
