The Christmas break has given me a head start with my new/old project breathing some life back into my Post Roman collection.
As an aside I am not entirely sure what the correct terminology is these days, clearly not Arthurian, but is it Post Roman, Sub Roman, Romano British? I guess as we are not academics it doesnt matter too much so bare with if I flick between them.
Most of the actual figures are here now, just a couple of packs from First Corps and Northstar/Crusader ordered over the break to arrive.
This time mainly we are looking at Picts with a small number of Romano British. These include the first of the Footsore miniatures. As previously its a fairly limited pallette which will be more extensive once mixed with the rest of the figures. I may start to incorporate more patterns for future figures, again to mix in the overall.
Breaking them into convenient groups the Romano British are two metal Footsore command figures, I particularly like the commander pointing with boiled leather cuirass. The chap at the back is a Gripping Beast plastic unarmoured late Roman who fits in well.These four Picts are all Foundry, I have to say the range still holds up despite its age, love these.
This next lot a bit more mixed, the two Footsore crossbowmen came out very nice, you can see they are a little slighter than some other modern ranges so fit quite well with old Foundry. The chap with the knife is a Westwind figure and the horn blower Gripping beast. Both of these last have fancy cloaks with tufts of wool pulled through. I have chosen to interpret these as being the same colour as the rest of the garment. Hopefully right.
Meanwhile even more Picts invade the painting room from over the giants wall.