Friday, 7 February 2025

A few more for Arthur

I figured I better I finish off a few figures I already had in the lead pile before starting new figures.

Apologies Photos a little washed out with the late winter sun.

These two are Wargames Foundry late Romans, whilst the Foundry horses are lovely they are very small so I used these Gripping Beast ones instead.

Sat in a box for at least 6 years, probably a lot more, they will be mixed in with the Victrix and Warlord figures and shields added later.
I have a small number of these Gripping Beast late Saxons in plastic (left) but really its only the helmets that place them as late, they do have crucifix's so will need to be British but if I had bare heads or Roman helmets they will fit in quite nicely I think. The standard bearer was a spare Roman Briton from Westwind I have had for a while. The standard is my take on Legio II Augustus, not come out that well but hopefully disguised on the base or covered by a nice big LBMS banner.. A unit potentially based in Britain during and maybe after the final Roman departure.
I have a few Picts and Saxons to get stuck into, these are two that were already primed so I got into them. They are both from Westwind, the Saxon archer being the only one I have and the Pict one of a small group who will follow soon.
Over Christmas I have managed to progress this stalled project with a bunch more Romano British and Picts.

These five are a sprue of plastic Gripping Beast Picts which are lovely figures.
The four metal figures are from 3 ranges, the first two are metal Gripping beast, then a Westwind figure and finally a Foundry archer. Again pretty happy with how all these came out.
Another limited palette on the Foundry Sub Roman spearmen, earthy colours but a different mix to the first 10. 
Pretty happy with these, I have bought a pack of 8 Crusader spearmen to finish these guys off into 2 units, they have a similar vibe, leaning on shields with cloaks and no armour. 
A little closer to an extra unit per force.

Thanks for stopping by.