I was keen to crack on with both the Baluchi and the 1st Bengal European Light Infantry, I have got quite a few bits over the line and off the workbench.
Firstly the Baluchi, I have batch painted as usual and using a limited pallete for each batch, not that you can tell with this first two.
I have quite a few figures using the off white this swordsman has, quite like this colour. The Swordsman of course is a Foundry Baluchi whilst the Jezailchi is a Perry plastic Afghan.The pallette of off white, red and blue is a bit more obvious with this next batch of Baluchi.
All Foundry Baluchi, I particularly like how the two matchlock men have come out and the pale blue works really well.
The next three are all Baluchi Swordsmen, again pleased with the result on these guys. Not sure if the Baluchi Warriors in India would have been quite as nearly naked as the first figure but they look nice so I will be mixing three of these in. Again all Foundry figures from the Darkest Africa range.
I ran out of the original horses from the range so this is a substitute Napoleonic horse. Hopefully wont be noticable mixed in when the unit is complete.
The last of the musketeers for the Bengal Europeans, mainly Foundry from the old Opium Wars range with the right hand figure being a Perry Carlist Wars British Marine.
The uniform on the Perry figure is slightly different but wont be noticable within the unit as a whole. The Shakos had the pompoms and badges trimmed off so I could get the covered shako effect which I think works well. Simple but effective.
Lastly the standard bearers, flags are from the virtual arm-chair general and the finials for the flags poles are from Front Rank. I prefer textured flags but bought the full set of Sikh Wars flags ages ago so sticking with them for the most part.
Nice clean simple figures these Opium Wars chaps, I like em.
So thats the Bengal Europeans painted, here they are stuck to bases and ready to ship off to York for the basing department to do her stuff.I think these will look well on table.
Another unit ready for basing then and plenty more progress on some others. I think I have 5 battalions for the SIkh Wars stuck to bases needing basing and the equivelant of 5 more sat in a box still needing to be glued to bases ready for the basing department. Look forward to seeing them complete.
In the mean-time stay safe and see you again soon.