Saturday 16 July 2016

More from the workbench

I picked some packs of the new Swedes and Russians up from Nick at Ebor mid week, I got a bit giddy and painted a few up, I was so pleased with them that I had to stick a post on so sorry but I hope you like them as much as I do.

Firstly the Swedish casualties, these are wonderful sculpts, I have done as a variety of regiments so I can use them as casualty markers but also as fillers for front ranks of my next three units. I particularly like the one draped over a drum.

 Then the Russians, I have a battalion to paint, these are the first three. One in three Pike were issues with pistols and cartridge boxes, I guess to make them more useful in melee. Lovely sculpts and more of these to come.

 I also finished off some more Saxon gun crew, again Ebor figures but with an old Dixons gun
 Lastly a bit different, a Pictish cavalry commander. I have a game tomorrow using our Post Roman armies and was short of a cavalry commander so knocked this one up during the week. Kept it fairly simple to have it done quicker.
That's it for now, I dont think the figures are on Ebor web site yet but contact Nick if you want some.

Thanks for reading.