Friday, 24 January 2025

Trouble down in Ol Mexico, Sharp Practice AAR

Chris put on a game this week, a first outing for his US horse soldiers and  Fillybusters alongside the Mexicans and Apaches he has had for much longer.

Designed for 4 players Simon couldn't make it so Chris took two commands. 

I had the Fillybusters and Steve the US cavalry. 

Chris took both the Apache and the Mexicans.

A gang of Fillybusters have been making a nuisance of themselves over the border, being pressed by the Mexicans they decide to march back of the Rio Grande and hand them selves in. The Fillybusters have a formation of 24 men with muzzle loading rifles supported by 6 skirmishers.
A unit of US cavalry (4  Troops of 8 and a small group of scouts) has been dispatched to arrest the Fillybusters and escort them north while the Mexican authorities have decided to punish the renegades before they can leave Mexican territory and pushed three troops of 8 lancers forward, thrown into the mix a band of Apache in 5 skirmish units of 5 or 6 warriors are intent on mayhem against anyone, American or Mexican, that comes in range.

Stage set for mayhem on the border.
I get my skirmishers forward and Chris sets his repeating rifle armed Apaches facing me on the edge of the river.

The Mexicans ride along the river bank with pennants fluttering led by their flamboyant leader in black.
Having been told to try and avoid an international incident Steve immediatly opens fire on the Mexicans on the basis he can always claim it was the Apache as long as he wins.
For some reason Zorro seems to be in charge of some of the Mexicans who dismount and return fire.

Whilst the regular cavalry skirmish with the US troopers, the Presidial lancers canter forwards to take on the hated Fillybusters.
Steves tiny unit of Scouts decide to charge the Apache by themselves, whilst they aquit themselves quite well considering there are only 4 of them, the are cut down by Apche mixed musket and bow fire.
The Mexican Presidio Lancers charge the skirmishers and wipe them out but take 3 casualties in the process.
The skirmishers however have bought some time for the Fillybuster formation which lines them up in its sites and blasts them away with a volley.
A lone trooper canters his exhausted mount back to report the disaster.
Meanwhile Steve has organised his cavalry and charged the Apache disorganised and badly mauled after their encounter with the scouts. The two units of damaged Apache are destroyed by the US Cavalry.
The Fillybusters wheel to take on the repeater armed Apache after taking some ineffectual fire from them.
A volley sees the 4th unit of Apache cut down with only the one remaining and the joint Apache/Mexican force morale is now pretty low.
Mexican regulars are pushing forward to try and flank the Fillybusters, can they get to them before the force morale is completely gone. It could be tough for the Fillybusters if caught in flank but the Mexicans are still in march column themselves.

Off screen the US Cavalry have broken through the last of the Apache facing them and are now in the rear of the last of the Warriors.
In true Hollywood style the Cavalry charge into the rear of the Apache at the last moment, in the dying moments of the game, and wipe out the last unit, whilst the Mexicans still have 2 units of cavalry remaining the joint force morale has gone. You could say that having lost one unit completely and facing formed infantry to the front and cavalry in their flank and rear the Mexicans do the sensible thing and let the Fillybusters cross over the river. 
Not quite the game I think Chris had planned but immense fun. First time for some of these figures on table and they do look the business I have to say.

A lot of fun for everyone, although perhaps less so for the Apache.

Many thanks for the game Chris.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Arthur is coming......again!

Not another new project...well not really.

Having sold large parts of my old Arthurian collection, mainly as I wasn't happy with them, the remains have languished in a box with some unpainted spearmen hiding in the lead mountain.

I decided to have a go at the Foundry Spearmen and in doing so re-ignited my interest in the period.

Also inspired it has to be said by Peter Gibbons new series of novels and the latest Giles Christian Novel both of which I loved. 

I painted 10 spearmen, all old Foundry figures that I really like, I think they came out well and it inspired me to some retail therapy which as usual got slightly out of hand.

These three boxes arrived first.
Midgaard by chum James Morris, I will mainly use this for Bronze age but it may also work for Arthur and many seem to be planning to do just that. Dux Britanarium came with a bunch of Saxons I picked up from Ebay and I fancy trying it. The Hail Caesar supplement was the main buy from the booklets as we already use the rule set so something Romano British specific should work.
Along with these Arthurian packs of Cavalry from Warlord and a bunch of 1st Corp Saxons which surprised me a little by being lovely.
Back to the spearmen, there are 4 different castings and I am choosing to paint these in relatively subdued colours, each man in his own gear rather than a uniform with a fairly limited pallet. When I add shields later I may use these to tie figures in a unit together in a theme.
Same four again with different colour scheme, the Orange should stand out despite not being a really bright colour.
Two more of the same, I am going to prep all the shields seperately, probably for a whole bunch of figures and then add them all at once.
Slightly better image of the "tawny" cloak. I considered doing a whole unit in these but decided it is a bit too rich.

Chum Chris Charlton has a substantial Romano British Army and Chris Flowers has most of the troops for the Late Roman world so no shortage of opponents. Dave and Si also have figures so plenty to go with.

My own Romano British force consists currently of one Mounted unit and two foot. All units are 3 bases each, so quite small, the horse are from Westwind.
The foot are the same Foundry spearmen for the most patr with some additional characters and command.
For enemies so far I have a small but perfectly formed Pictish army, known as the Pixies to my gaming chums. Five foot units supported by 2 skirmisher and 2 light cavalry units. More of a mix of figures but mainly Foundry with some Westwind. I intend to flesh this out just a little, at least another unit of foot with possibly some Irish allies.

My Target is something like 5 horse and 6 foot for the Romano British, an extra Pictish foot unit or two and maybe some more skirmishers with two Irish foot units. Then a Saxon force of 3 units of spears with archers in support. 

So nothing massive. I already have a lot of what I need with more on the way. The trick will be not getting carried away with armoured British cavalry.

No doubt a couple of you are chuckling already and ready to remind me when I end up with twice what I planned.

Especially as the below order from Warlord arrived (Again lovely figures especially the Arthurian "Knights") and some flags from Ebay.

More on this project soon no doubt.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Second AWI Playtest

Tonight we had a second playtest of Steve's AWI rules.

Not a good day at the office for my Continentals.

The British had brigades, on their left 3 battalions of Hessians needed to take and hold the ford supported by Jaegers already over the ford. In the centre 2 battalions of British regulars supported by a battalion of Tory militia and a field gun, on the right three more battalion of British regulars with a large unit of light infantry.

Facing them I had a 4 battalion brigade of continentals in the centre but off table. To my right a brigade of 2 continental battalions supported by a small battalion of Lees Legion and a unit of rifle skirmishers. on my left the same again with an additional support of a light gun.

Similar numbers of troops with the British having the advantage of quality.
A portion of my troops were off table and I wasnt exactly sure when they would be joining me so I needed to consider holding ground whilst they arrived. My objective was to stop the Hessians securing the ford and the British driving in my left.

My right hand brigade, whilst on table was in march order near the edge so need to try beat the Hessians to the ford.

The Jaegers started already deployed across the ford and in cover. As skirmishers in cover need a 6 to score a hit but have an advantage to hit themselves, coupled with rifles, these were extremely difficult customers.
The British advanced quickly from the centre and their right with the field gun deploying to the front.
I had a light gun and started forming my own line to counter the British, unfortunately with one brigade of my best troops off table I was spread very thin especially on my left facing the British regulars (Getting my excuses in early here).
My right brigade formed a line with rifle skirmishers on the extreme right and advanced on the ford.
Chris pushed his light infantry forward early, they have a movement bonus being less restricted by terrain and quickly began an unequal duel with my riflemen.
The British regulars in the centre advanced quickly and whilst the gun got an early shot in the crew took 3 turns to re-load it which would be a recuring theme. 
Perhaps worth mentioning for those who have not read a previous game report on these rules. Each unit once activated has between 3 and 5 actions. A quick dice roll decides if the units in a brigade have more or less than their standard 4 actions. Moving, firing and re-loading are all actions and whilst firing does not need to be rolled for every other action needs to, a 3 required for most actions but the harder the action the higher the roll required.  Hence 3 attempts to re-load a cannon, Chris kept rollign a 2. 
My third brigade now enters the fray and deploys on table but will be pushed to arrive in time to stop the advancing British over running the Continentals on my left.
Meanwhile the Jaegers begin to score casualties on my right hand brigade.
Chris rolls well for his Hessians and they have 5 actions marching with 4 and deploying into line the first two battalions are immediatley over the ford and in position to hold it whilst the rest of the Germans deploy into line over the river in support.
My two battalions deploy to fire upon the Jaegers and the fight is on for the ford.
My Lees Legion infantry charge and scatter the Jaegers but are held by the Hessian Musketeers.
Getting lucky my centre brigade moves forward 5 times to occupy the centre of the line and face point where the Hessians and British meet.
Finally I am in position to hold back the British charge up the centre.
Unfortunately for me, hit by the gun and the British my unit loses two full bases and goes dis-ordered. Not a great start
Anpther volley and another basee removed, this time I fail morale and retreat in dis-order.
The British advance to take advantage of the gap in my lines whilst I scramble about to plug it with other troops needed elsewhere.
Wheeling my right hand unit I must pull back my whole line or be rolled up, the Hessians, already having the better of the firefight at their end are releived of pressure.
The last vestiges of my centre fold under another volley, however the British are at least now open to flanking fire from my continentals.
I wheel another unit in leaving my left under strength and the Light infantry battalion is already inflicting casualties on it.

Meanwhile on the left the British flank both of my units and decimate them with volley fire before charging the left hand unit and breaking it. My left now consists of one mauled battalion, a few riflemen and a light gun facing an almost untouched brigade of British regulars.

I am down to 4 weak battalions facing 9 battalions of Kings troops mostly untouched. Its been a bit of a wash out for the Americans who must retreat and fight another day.
Charged from the flank another unit of Continentals breaks. With both flanks gone and British objectives achieved its a washout for the Rebels. (Sorry this image was out of order and I couldnt change it back)

Again the rules worked really well. skirmishers are very powerful, so large units of skirmishing infantry need to be treated with caution, other than that really enjoyable game.

More to come I am sure, thanks for popping in.