Saturday, 4 March 2017

A Saxon - Polish Review so far

Hi, I promised a review of the Saxons and Poles so far and here they are below. I probably did get caught up in the Poles to the detriment of the Swedes, but how can you not they are just great.

4 Units of Poles so far, 1 each of Pancerni and Winged Hussars and 2 light cavalry. I have a further one of each type to paint and hope to have a Polish dragoon unit in the not too distant future as Nick from Ebor is working on these which should be great. Strictly speaking 2 thirds of the force should be Pancerni but........

The Saxons took off fairly quickly but were overtaken by the Poles, Currently 4 battalions and a unit each of Dargoons and Currasier supported by 3 guns. Still to come essentially same again taking me to 4 regiments of 8 battalions in 2 brigades and a brigade of horse with 3 guns. No point in going mad the Swedes are already our-numbered 3 to 1 with Dave's Russians, Marks Danes and My Saxons.

Again half the Saxon pictures are the camera other half phone, I do think the phone pictures are slightly sharper.

So I have one more unit of foot Cossacks to come from the basing department and I need to start thinking about whats next for the blog, perhaps a couple of games with after action reports until I am back up and painting.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Beautiful flags float in the wind above superb units ...Both armies are wonderful, congrats!

    1. You should be writing novels Phil, very descriptive and thank you.

  2. Nice, but winged hussars schouldn't have this flag. This banner is from times of vasa dynasty! Sigismund III vasa, wladislawa IV wasa and John Kasimir II vasa used this flag, but they ruled in first half of XVII century, since abdicatnion oj john II in 1667

    1. Thanks Aleksander, I found out about the flag only after I had finished the unit and didn't want to damage it by removing the flag. Shame but it does look good.

  3. Not since, but to abdocatnion-sorry for mistake

    1. The new flags I have are all correct, wont make the same mistake again! Speaking to Ebor about Polish dragoons!

  4. A fantasting looking array of troops

  5. They look lovely,very inspiring

  6. Impressive as always! Your Bronze Age collection is inspiring my own efforts in that era but attempting this would be beyond me, at least in 28mm. Looking forward to some AARs in this!

    1. Cheers Joseph, it has taken less time than you would think as the units are small and the uniforms simple. Look forward to seeing your Bronze Age project.

  7. A very entertaining and colourful array. splendid.
