Monday 22 July 2024

The Mad Baron and the Chinese, RCW AAR

 We are planning a game for Partizan 2 with Triumph of the Will so organised a game as a rules refresh, just as well really.

Our game would involve a small Chinese army marching to rescue the besieged forces in Mongolias capital Urga. These would be ambushed by the Mad Baron's Asiatic Cossack division (All this is entirely historical by the way)

The Barons White Russians had a weak regiment of infantry with three rifle companies, a gun and MG holding trenches in front of a ruin. Flanking the Chinese would be two regiments of Cossacks each with three sotnias, a regiment of tribal Mongolians also with three Sotnias, the only troops listed as militia but also being aggressive, plus a regiment of Chahar Mongols with 2 Sotnias and a Tchanka MG Cart.
The Chinese had 3 regiments of foot supported by a regiment of horse, 2 guns and 2 light armoured vehicles. The Chinese were also drilled except one regiment of militia foot at the back. All the Chinese are from Chris Charltons lovely collection.
Chris has his assault troops and light armour advancing on the trenches and the rest of his force strung out in march order along the road.

Move 2 and Steves Cossacks and Mongolians pour onto the table edge. This is the majority of my Cossack forces. Lots of them.
A mix of  Copplestone and STP Miniatures, some lovely castings.

As the Chinese close on the trenches the front unit takes a hammering and is already at nearly 50|/ casualties.

Unfortunately for Chris I have inadvertantly hamstrung him. I forgot that we give units orders and the commanders have to roll to change them, Chris is on advance orders so re-forming his troops to defend against the Cossacks is not one of his options really. Sorry Chris.

Steve's cavalry start to hit the Chinese all along the line and Chris is not bale to do too much about if with his order unchanged for most formations having to advance on the trenches.
On the upside, whilst infantry caught in the open by Cossacks dont get many dice, when you throw this many sixes maybe you dont need them! Well done Chris.
First to hit home are the Sotnias of Siberian Cossacks.
At the Same time the other regiment of Cossacks hits Chris's assault troops and despite his great dice, they are quickly legging it.
The Cossacks follow up, bypassing the armoured vehilces and destroy the SMG armoured company.

At the other end of the table to Tribal Mongol horde hit another regiment of stationery infantry with predictable results.
Last to strike home the Chahar Mongols blow straight through a company of Chinese militia.
At this stage Chris has been able to change some orders and re-align his Chines Cavalry regiment, unfortunately yhe best part of two regiments of foot are destroyed with the survivors in flight and the third regiment is barely holding its own.
A resounding victory for the Barons Asiatic Cossack division and a timely reminder of the game mechanics.

Much fun had, sorry Chris, and a good rules refresh ahead of a much larger game planed at Chris Flowers Barn in August. We also plan  a game for Partizan in October, currently we are just decided on whether this will be set in Poland or Mongolia, based on which might look and play best but also what Poles I can finish in time.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Absolutely stunning looking game Roger...all the figures and terrain are first class!
    Just as well it was a refresher/practice game, as the Chinese seemed to have a very challenging task, even before the snafu with the changing orders rule!

  2. A fantastic looking game. I don't think the poor Chinese had a chance

    1. Unfortunately I have to agree, profuse apologies were given to Chris. Mind you hes doen the same to me inadvertantly in the past so.....

  3. Well that was soon over but what a terrific pair of forces. It's been a reminder of some great RCW games I played years ago with a friends 20mm collection. I was always cast as the Mad Baron for reasons that naturally escape me, so was pleased to see his victory. Now the song is for the wrong side but I must find my CD of the Red Army Choir singing, "We are the Red Cavalry" which will have to set the atmosphere as I don't have a White Army Choir CD.
    The little building was a good way to portray the battlefield as somewhere far away. The big ruin, I have one but in brick red paint.
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Big game planned next month so I must make sure its better balanced, still a cracking period to play.

  4. Excellent stuff ⚔️⚔️ I have read a fair bit about the Mad Baron (including Alioshin’s Asian Odyssey) and it all does confirm that all this stuff was happening far, far, far from any recognisable civilisation. The phrase “back of beyond” really was appropriate.
    I’ll should at the Other Partizan in October, so I’ll keep a look-out for your game.

    1. Be nice to say hi! I also have Asian Odyssey, though not read for a while. May have to use a little artistic licence and add some planes and armour just to add soem interest.

  5. Beautiful looking collection and battle 👍
