Sunday 7 April 2024

Victory at Sea Game

 Rich C put on a bit of a test game at the club tonight for us.

Nice models, apparantly some people think the bases are too thick but it does make them robust.

Chris C would command the Japanese Imperial Navy, two cruisers and 2 Destroyers, whilst I would have the Americans with 2 cruisers and 3 destroyers (Mine were not as good)
The rules are by Warlord and as with most Warlord games need a modified 4 to score a hit. Rich has amended rules somewhat but torpedoes are still king and devastating giving the Japanese a slight advantage.

Chris sends one cruiser left and the rest of his force Right, I mirror his larger force and send a destroyer to support my Cruiser taking on his isolated cruiser. 

After some initial inefective long range firing we start to close and I have two destroyers heading straight at the Japanese Cruiser.
Chris cruiser on my left in this picture scores a few hits on my cruiser whilst my destroyers continue to close, we miss that torpedoes come before everything else including movement so don't get to fire as expected.
Next go and we have multiple torpedoes in the water, the ships are closing and the firing is becoming more effective.
The Japanese destroyer in the middle of the table gets a little close to my cruiser and takes a hammering before sinking.
That doesn't stop Chris throwing some great dice to hit my right hand cruiser, nothing serious in terms of damage but it is beginning to add up.
Next go and its chaos as my destroyers are at point blank either side of the Japanese cruiser and launch multiple torpedoes at it. It takes a bit of working out but the cruiser is well and truly sunk, although it badly damages one of the destroyers leaving it practically crippled. 
with a destroyer and a cruiser sunk Chris concedes but we decide to run the torpedoes on and see what happens, my left hand cruiser runs straight into another top and wouldnt you know it is sunk.! Chris has lost a cruiser and a destroyer with one of each remaining, I have lost a cruiser leaving another cruiser and 3 destroyers but one of those is practically out of action.

A narrow win for team USA.

Fun game ,easy to pick up and some lessons learned about cruisers keeping their distance. Potentially another of these planned soon.


  1. Great fun. I wasn’t initially sure it was representative of WW2 naval action, but on reflection it was more me being a rubbish admiral lol. Rich has done a top notch job of painting the models. Cheers, Chris

    1. Cracking models still not sure about the torpedoes.

  2. Naval gaming really isn't my thing Roger but the models look great! BTW I read your comment re links to my AAR of games involving Siberia Miniatures 1920 Poles and have put TWO on the previous post comments!
    As a special bonus offer, here is a third link to a game we did back in November 2023 I just remembered about!

  3. not my thing either but enjoyed it, thanks for the links.

    1. No worries - hope they were of some interset!

    2. Definately thank you, love the massed Legion Cavalry charging forward

  4. These bases are too large. The models look great though. Outstanding game.

    1. Thate does seem to be the general view Bartek
